About Course
Not just another course, this is a hands-on program where you’ll build a complete, stock prediction portal using Django REST Framework, React and Machine Learning. Gain practical experience in the most in-demand technologies:
Django REST Framework: Master the backend, creating robust APIs to handle data and power your application.
React.js: Craft a dynamic, interactive frontend that visualizes stock predictions and engages users.
Machine Learning with LSTM: Master the art of stock price prediction. Learn how to choose the right machine learning approach, why LSTM models excel for time series data, and how to implement them for accurate forecasts.
Go Beyond Theory:
Step-by-Step Guidance: Follow clear video lectures and practical exercises. No prior ML experience required!
Real-World Project: Build a portfolio-worthy full stack application that showcases your skills to potential employers.
Expert Code Reviews: Get personalized feedback on your code from experienced developers.
Earn a Pre-Experienced Certificate:
Stand out from the crowd. Prove your skills by completing the project end-to-end. Our expert team will rigorously review your work, ensuring you’re truly ready for real-world challenges. This pre-experience certificate is more than just a course completion certificate—it’s an evidence of your practical abilities.
You should know the basics of Python and Django to get the most out of this program.
Ready to get started? Enroll now!
Important Disclaimer: This prediction model should NOT be implemented in real stock market trading. It is developed purely for educational purposes to help you understand the principles of machine learning and stock market data. Relying on this model for actual investments can lead to significant financial risks.
What Will You Learn?
- Master Django REST Framework to build robust, scalable APIs.
- Create dynamic, interactive frontends using React.js.
- Implement LSTM models for accurate stock price predictions.
- Understand the Machine Learning landscape.
- Understand the fundamentals of time series data in machine learning.
- Connect backend APIs with frontend interfaces seamlessly.
- Handle real-world data for stock market prediction projects.
- Make data exploration & visualization.
- Earn a pre-experience certificate by completing an end-to-end project.
Course Content
Get The Most Out Of This Course
01:21 -
How To Get Help?
Getting Started
Software Installation
03:08 -
What is an API
03:48 -
What is REST API?
04:05 -
Unlock Your Bonus – Download Premium Resources for FREE
Django REST Framework
Django Installation Start Project
07:07 -
05 Django Rest Framework Installation
01:42 -
06 Web Application Endpoint
08:29 -
07 Simple API Endpoint
07:24 -
08 Create Model
07:00 -
09 Manual Serialization
07:36 -
10 Serializers
02:37 -
11 Function Based View Get Method
11:05 -
12 Storing Data Using Serializers
05:55 -
13 Get A Single Object Primary Key Based Operation
07:16 -
14 Update Operation On Student
04:58 -
15 Delete Operation
Class Based Views
16 Class Based Views Introduction
01:55 -
17 Employee Model
04:41 -
18 Employee Serializer
01:31 -
19 Class Based View Get All Employees
07:12 -
20 Class Based Creating Employee
04:09 -
21 Getting Single Object
07:16 -
22 Update And Delete Employee
23 Mixins Overview
04:21 -
24 List And Create Model Mixins
06:02 -
25 Retrieve Update Destroy Mixins
26 Generics Overview
04:01 -
27 ListCreateAPIView
06:03 -
28 RetrieveUpdateDestroyAPIView
29 Viewsets Introduction
01:52 -
30 List And Create Data Using Viewsets
09:01 -
31 Retrieving Single Object
03:30 -
32 ModelViewsets
Nested Serializers
33 Nested Serializers Introduction
02:24 -
34 Blog And Comment Model
04:43 -
35 Creating Serializers
02:42 -
36 Nested Serializers Implementation
09:51 -
37 Primary Key Based Operations On Blog Comment
DRF Pagination, Filtering, Search and Ordering
38 Pagination Overview
04:54 -
39 Global Pagination
07:28 -
40 Custom Pagination
07:43 -
41 Filtering
07:25 -
42 Custom Filter Employee By Designation
05:31 -
43 Custom Filter Employees By Name And ID
07:07 -
44 Advanced Filtering
07:24 -
45 Search Filters
07:33 -
46 Ordering Filter
04:06 -
47 Wrapping Up DRF
React.js Introduction & Installation
48 React Js Introduction
00:51 -
49 Components And Virtual Dom
02:47 -
50 Pre-requisite For React
00:34 -
51 Install Node.js
03:37 -
52 Create React App Using NPX
04:58 -
53 Create React Project With Vite
04:48 -
54 Directory Structure
14:05 -
55 Edit Default React App
03:29 -
56 Deleting Default React App
React.js Fundamentals
57 Components
08:01 -
58 Fragment
03:13 -
59 JSX
10:01 -
60 Props
06:42 -
61 Events
06:52 -
62 Lifting State Up
08:33 -
63 State
07:03 -
64 useState Hook With Objects
06:00 -
65 Counter App
05:42 -
66 useEffect Hook
12:05 -
67 Cleanup Functions in useEffect
03:03 -
68 useMemo Hook
17:34 -
69 Prop Drilling
07:39 -
70 Context API
15:55 -
71 useContext Hook
04:37 -
72 useRef Hook
16:49 -
74 Custom Hooks
08:44 -
75 Conditional Rendering
05:50 -
76 Map Function
05:43 -
77 Inline CSS in React
07:40 -
78 Internal And External CSS in React
07:15 -
79 Loading Images
04:01 -
80 Forms Part 1
08:46 -
81 Forms Part 2
07:37 -
82 Wrapping Up React Basics
Introduction to Stock Prediction Portal
85 Introduction & Backend Django Setup
06:56 -
86 Frontend React Setup
04:59 -
87 Clearing Default Code From React
03:16 -
88 Store Secret Info
06:18 -
89 Git Setup
Implementing React Components
90 Bootstrap CDN
06:43 -
91 Component Setup
04:34 -
92 Header Design
03:47 -
93 Main Component Design
08:36 -
94 Footer Component
03:15 -
95 Button Component
08:01 -
96 Git Push
Setting up Django REST Framework & Serializers
97 Migrate And Create Superuser
02:48 -
98 Install Django REST Framework
02:42 -
99 User Serializer
10:10 -
100 Register View
03:02 -
101 API RUL Setup And Test
07:58 -
102 Git Push
Registration Design & Functionality
103 Creating Routes In React Stop At 13 43
10:24 -
104 Using Link Coomponent To Navigate
06:29 -
105 Design Register Page
07:21 -
106 Registration Part1
09:43 -
107 Registration Using Axios
09:48 -
108 Adding CORS Header
05:38 -
109 Error Handling
08:16 -
110 Clear Errors And Show Success Message
04:01 -
111 Loading Button With FontAwesome Icon
08:29 -
112 Git Push
Login Functionality with Simple JWT
113 Simple JWT Implementation
07:38 -
114 Login API Request
11:24 -
115 Login With Error Handling
07:59 -
116 Authcontext
13:59 -
117 Logout Functiuonality And Git Push
Authentication Functionalities – Frontend & Backend
118 Access Token And Refresh Token Workflow
03:49 -
119 Creating A Protected View
09:24 -
120 Dashboard Component
03:45 -
121 Accessing Protected Endpoint From React
08:03 -
123 Axios Interceptors
03:40 -
124 AxiosInstance
08:10 -
125 Using Request Interceptor
12:45 -
126 Using Response Interceptor
15:38 -
127 Private Route
07:47 -
128 Public Route
04:03 -
129 Note About Next Section And Push To Github
Understanding Problem Statement – Machine Learning
130 Overview And What To Expect
03:19 -
131 What Is Machine Learning
01:22 -
132 Supervised Learning
01:28 -
133 Unsupervised Learning
01:58 -
134 Reinforcement Learning
02:58 -
135 Machine Learning Landscape
01:58 -
136 Classification
01:52 -
137 Regression
01:51 -
138 Understanding The Problem Statement
Understanding Problem Statement – Why Neural Network?
139 Introduction To Neural Network
05:14 -
140 Types Of Neural Networks
03:30 -
141 Recurrent Neural Network And LSTM
Setting up the stage for Machine Learning project
142 Anaconda Miniconda Overview
01:28 -
143 Installing Miniconda On Windows
05:15 -
144 Installing Miniconda On Mac
04:43 -
145 Installing Jupyter Notebook
Pandas Basics
146 Reading Csv Using Pandas
06:55 -
147 DataFrame And Series
04:16 -
148 Pandas Data Manipulation Part 1
17:26 -
149 Pandas Data Manipulation Part 2
Numpy Basics
150 Numpy 1d 2d 3d Arrays
12:47 -
151 Access And Read Numpy Arrays
07:54 -
152 Updating Arrays
10:27 -
153 Appending & Inserting
04:50 -
154 Save Load And Delete Arrays
Matplotlib Basics
155 Matplotlib Line And Bar Charts
10:18 -
156 Histogram And Scatter Plot
09:43 -
157 Subplots And Legends
11:42 -
158 Plots Using Pandas DataFrame
Machine Learning Model Building, Training & Predicting
Important Disclaimer: Understanding Our Prediction Approach
159 Stock Prediction Overview
03:20 -
160 Data Collection
06:17 -
161 Data Exploration And Visualization
05:09 -
162 Feature Engineering
13:59 -
163 Data Preprocessing
11:33 -
164 Sequence Creation
07:12 -
165 Building Machine Learning Model
08:20 -
166 Model Training
03:26 -
167 Preparing Test Data
07:20 -
168 Making Prediction
08:04 -
169 Model Evaluation
05:26 -
170 Git Push
Implementing API Endpoint with Machine Learning Model
171 Accepting Stock Ticker From React
06:05 -
172 Creating Serializer View And URL
05:55 -
173 Handling Form Submission
04:44 -
174 Fetching Data From Yfinance
09:29 -
175 Handling Error And Loading Spinner
06:15 -
176 Generating Plot With AGG Backends
10:57 -
177 Showing Plot In React
08:38 -
178 Displaying 100 Days Moving Average Plot
10:05 -
179 Displaying 200 Days Moving Average Plot
04:21 -
180 Making Prediction
10:45 -
181 Displaying Final Prediction
04:31 -
182 Model Evaluation
05:42 -
183 Git Push
00:50 -
184 Submit Your Project for Review & Get Pre-Experience Letter
00:54 -
185 Thank You & Outro