About Course
In this course, you will master the basics of Django, a popular Python web framework used for developing robust, scalable, and secure web applications.
We will dive into the key concepts of Django, such as models, views, templates, and URL routing by developing a simple practical Employee Directory website.
Then, you’ll dive into building the To-Do application, which will give you hands-on experience with Django’s Object-Relational Mapping (ORM), views, templates, and forms and most importantly it will teach you how to perform the CRUD Operations.
Level Up: The Complete Django Blog
Throughout the course, you will learn how to create, read, update, and delete blog posts in the application. You will also gain practical experience with Django’s built-in authentication and authorization system, which will enable you to manage user accounts and permissions in your application.
Additionally, you will learn how to create dynamic pages, custom dashboards, search functionality, and display data using Django’s built-in template language.
- Master Django Fundamentals: Build a Strong Foundation in Python Web Development with Django!
- Build a simple Employee Directory Website with Django
- Build a To-Do app using the Django framework
- Learn how to create, read, update, and delete tasks in the application
- Understand the basics of Django’s Model-View-Controller (MVC) framework
- Gain hands-on experience with Django’s Object-Relational Mapping (ORM)
- Build a Blog application using the Django framework
- Learn to build the CRUD functionalities
- Complete Assignments
Course Content
Section 01: Introduction
Section 02: Getting Started
What is Django?
02:47 -
Why Should You Use Django?
03:56 -
Software Installation
01:51 -
Virtual Environment Overview
04:06 -
Creating and Activating Virtual Environment
Section 03: Basic Fundaments of Django
Project Structure
11:09 -
Django Settings Explained
07:54 -
How Django Works
05:21 -
Urls and HttpResponse
07:24 -
Implement Django Template
05:57 -
Implement Bootstrap
06:48 -
Django Static Files
Section 04: Django Apps & Models
Django Apps
03:53 -
Django Admin Panel
05:41 -
Create Model
08:23 -
08:20 -
Django Media Files
Section 05: Database Operations
Fetch Data From Database
10:19 -
Show Data On Table
08:01 -
Fetch Employee Detail View
12:57 -
Employee Detail Page
13:26 -
End Of Project 01
Section 06: TODO Project
Todo Project Creation
05:23 -
Create Superuser And Home View
04:17 -
TODO Template
04:14 -
Github Setup
Section 07: TODO App & CRUD Operations
Create Todo App And Model
07:56 -
Fetch Tasks
06:32 -
Admin List Display
03:51 -
Add Task With Csrf Token
09:42 -
Add Task Function
08:48 -
Completed Tasks
04:08 -
Mark As Done
Section 08: Assignment
Build a “Mark As Undone” feature to this TODO
00:40 -
Solution: Mark As Undone Feature
Section 09: Edit & Delete Task CRUD
Edit Task URLPattern
05:28 -
Edit Task Page With Get Request
08:33 -
Edit Task Feature With Post Request
06:45 -
Delete Task
03:27 -
Git Push
Section 10: Django Blog Application
Django Blog Create Project
02:47 -
Create Superuser
01:32 -
Creating Home Url & Implementing Template
05:04 -
Design Homepage And Configure Static Files
09:41 -
Setup Git With Gitignore
Section 11: Category Model, Blog Model and Media Files
Category Model, Blog Model and Media Files
08:34 -
Category Model
08:35 -
Media Files Configuration
03:12 -
Blog Model
12:44 -
Prepopulate Slugs
02:26 -
Admin Table List Display
09:11 -
Git Push
Section 12: ForeignKey Relationship and Display Blog Posts
Add Demo Categories And Blog Posts
00:45 -
Display Categories On The Homepage
05:05 -
Display Featured Posts On The Homepage
13:21 -
Display Recent Articles On Homepage
09:01 -
Foreignkey Relationships
Section 13: 404 Error page, Template Inheritance, Context Processors
Posts By Category
12:37 -
Posts By Category Layout And Try-Except Block
12:51 -
404 Custom Error Page
04:14 -
Template Inheritance Base Html
12:15 -
Context Processors
06:00 -
Linking Posts By Category Url
01:53 -
Git Push
Section 14: Single Blog Feature
Single Blog Page Setup
05:44 -
Single Blog Page
Section 15: Assignments
Build “About Us” and “Social Links” Feature
00:55 -
Assignment Solution: Abous Us Feature
14:34 -
Assignment Solution: Social Links Feature
10:52 -
Display Social Links On Blogs Page
Section 16: Search Feature
Search Feature
15:57 -
Search Layout And Keep The Search Term On Textbox
04:00 -
Git Push
Section 17: Login & Registration
Registration Setup
04:46 -
09:40 -
Register functionality
11:15 -
Login feature setup
07:57 -
Login and logout functionality
11:20 -
Git Push
Section 18: Authentication, Authorization & Groups
Authentication and Authorization
10:10 -
Section 19: Custom Dashboard | Project Scaling
Upgrade the packages
06:29 -
Editors and managers dashboards introduction
01:22 -
Dashboard url configuration
07:31 -
Dashboard design
10:28 -
Blogs and category count
03:29 -
Login required decorator
05:25 -
Sidebar menu and link highlighing
13:26 -
Categories table
10:12 -
Add category setup
10:53 -
Add category functionality
02:45 -
Edit category
09:58 -
Delete category
03:40 -
Git Push
Section 20: Managing Blog Posts From The Custom Dashboard
Blog Posts Table
11:28 -
Add new post form
09:49 -
Add post assign logged in user to author
13:55 -
Add post with unique slug
14:06 -
Editing blog post
13:36 -
Delete post
06:46 -
Git Push
Section 21: Managing Users From The Custom Dashboard
Manager dashboard users
16:36 -
Conditionally show the users tab in sidebar
04:10 -
AddUser form
12:18 -
Add user feature
03:25 -
Prevent editor to perform manager related operations
06:29 -
Edit user form
05:34 -
EditUserForm functionality
05:33 -
Delete user functionality
02:24 -
Git Push
Section 22: Comment Feature
Comment model
05:41 -
Display comments
11:11 -
Create a comment form
04:59 -
Add comment
09:22 -
Allow only authenticated users to write comments
04:20 -
Git Push
Section 23: Deployment on Production Server
Deployment Overview
03:30 -
Deployment Checklist
07:03 -
Deployment Final
19:39 -
Outro & Thank You